
Materialized View

Best practices when using materialized view and some examples

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  • #view
  • #query

Materialized view works similarly to a regular view but with caching to speed up performance.

It stores the snapshot of the query result on the disk rather than recomputing the query each time it is being called.

Use Cases

Materialized view can be used in the following scenarios.

  1. Caching complex queries that are expensive to be evaluated
  2. Data that is okay to be stale
  3. Data that is read-intensive
  4. Data that updates rarely or sparingly

It is a perfect use case for data warehouses to have a optimized query on aggregated data.


As the materialized view operates on the snapshot of the query, the result will be stale as time goes on without updating. The snapshot data can be synchronized through the refresh mechanism.

There are two types of refresh mechanism

  1. Complete refresh - Reconstruct the snapshot from scratch
  2. Fast refresh - Find the diff or delta of the changes since the last refresh and apply those instead. Typically requires logging and additional changes to the base table.

The refresh can be performed either on-demand, where the user manually executes the refresh instruction or on-commit where automatic refresh is performed when any commit occurs to the base table.

Do not refresh too frequently

The idea of a materialized view is to cache query results that are complex and expensive to calculate and are expected to have stale data. If you want it to be frequently refreshed to be consistent in near-time or real-time, you might as well just use the regular view instead of materialized view.



Materialized view in PostgreSQL can be created with the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW clause.

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW total_sales_per_region AS
SELECT region, SUM(sales_amount) AS total_sales
FROM sales
GROUP BY region;

After that, the materialized view can be selected just like a regular view.

SELECT * FROM total_sales_per_region;

Refer to this tutorial by Neon for more detailed examples.

SQL Server

In SQL Server, the concept of materialized view is implement differently as "Indexed Views".

Essentially, we create a view first, then create an index for that view instead. This allows the data to be synchronized all the time without the need for refreshing.

-- Create view
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[mv_TotalSalesPerRegion]
SELECT region, SUM(sales_amount) AS total_sales
FROM [dbo].sales
GROUP BY region;


-- Create index to the view using `region` as the index
  ON [dbo].[mv_TotalSalesPerRegion]([region]);

Then, the materialized view can be used as follows

-- NOEXPAND is used to force the query optimizer to use the index

However, the indexed view is quite restrictive as it requires the output to be deterministic.

Here is an example where I tried to create an index for the view that failed due to unmet constraint.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[mv_TaggedRegions]
  STRING_AGG(t.[Tags], ',') AS Tags
FROM [dbo].[Sales]
GROUP BY [Region];

The error message:

Msg 10125, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot create index on view "Sales.dbo.mv_TaggedRegions" because it uses aggregate "STRING_AGG". Consider eliminating the aggregate, not indexing the view, or using alternate aggregates. For example, for AVG substitute SUM and COUNT_BIG, or for COUNT, substitute COUNT_BIG.

It disallow the STRING_AGG function because it is non-deterministic; the result of the view, for the same logical row, might not necessary be the same every time when queried albeit no parameter was changed/altered upon invocation.

Refer to the official docs by Microsoft on what feature is unavailable for indexed views.


Materialized view.ย Wikipedia. Retrieved 2024, December 12 from
Differences Between Views and Materialized Views in SQL.ย GeekForGeeks.
Neon. PostgreSQL Materialized Views.
Schnider, D. Materialized View Refresh for Dummies.
KeepLearningIT. Indexed Views (Materialized Views) in SQL Server and Performance Considerations.ย YouTube.